Week 2 - Skeleton Tracings using CSLS with Excellent Line Quality
(using a Consistent Single (side) Light Source at the Right)
Marking Codes
DUE Week Three
DUE Week Three
This exercise helps you start to develop motor muscle memory and eye-hand co-ordination. It will also let me see if you understand how to use line to demonstrate your understanding of our first lecture/demo.
Remember - I drew a donut to show how light falls on both convex and concave forms.
Use an HB pencil and the paper provided (the one with 3 holes and Marking Codes on the back (in the lower left side). Put your name in pencil on the front, in the lower right-hand corner. I have asked you to do this so I can easily find your name at the bottom of your drawing and then do a quick flip of the page and see the codes. It makes it easy for me to circle a code (or two or three) that you might want to work on and make improvements to your work. Sometimes it just takes getting some feedback after we have done the work to know what needs to be done to improve. It's why I allow resubmissions. I'm not testing how long it takes you to understand something but rather that you do understand it (remember if you don't, you can ask me questions in a number of ways - in class, by e-mail, or at break if it's a quick question).
Remember - I drew a donut to show how light falls on both convex and concave forms.
Use an HB pencil and the paper provided (the one with 3 holes and Marking Codes on the back (in the lower left side). Put your name in pencil on the front, in the lower right-hand corner. I have asked you to do this so I can easily find your name at the bottom of your drawing and then do a quick flip of the page and see the codes. It makes it easy for me to circle a code (or two or three) that you might want to work on and make improvements to your work. Sometimes it just takes getting some feedback after we have done the work to know what needs to be done to improve. It's why I allow resubmissions. I'm not testing how long it takes you to understand something but rather that you do understand it (remember if you don't, you can ask me questions in a number of ways - in class, by e-mail, or at break if it's a quick question).
Two Drawings with Excellent Line Quality
(see below)
Thank You Sarah and Sam for letting me use your drawings.
Student Skeleton Traced Drawings are now in the A107 Display Case
(Take a very close look at them and compare them with the drawing you are doing)
YOUR TWO 1st HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS (see photocopies of two student tracing homework examples in the Display Case at the back of A107)
YOUR TWO 1st HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS (see photocopies of two student tracing homework examples in the Display Case at the back of A107)
bottom lower left corner➹of the Display Case (beside the tall yellow locker at the back of A107)
1. Tracing of the Skeleton
Take a close look at the horse skull in the tall display cabinet in A107 to see what real bone looks like before you begin this drawing. You can use the studio in the evenings this week to sit and draw using the skeleton in the display case to help you or you can go online and use a skeleton model to help you visualize the bone forms of the ribs and skull, etc.
Also, take a close look at the successful student homework drawings I have posted in the display case at the back of the studio before next week so you can compare them with your work and so that you can pre-grade your drawings on the back in the lower, left corner (make sure your full name is printed on the front at the bottom in the lower right-hand corner in pencil).
Use the Marking Codes to let me know where you believe improvement can be made in your drawings. You will be graded based on the Coded criteria as well as on having used proper materials; pencil and the correct, 8-1/2"x11", 3-hole, white, bond paper, and for putting your name and grading information (again in pencil) in the proper place on the paper.
Don't be afraid to do this drawing more than once. Practice will help you master the motor skills required to control line work in your drawings. If you mess up the blank 3-ring paper with grading codes on the back, please make another one (same size with 3-holes and print codes the same as they appear on original sheet).
Use pencil and give yourself a simple grade of either A, B, C, D or F (ie, no A+, B-'s, etc) before you hand it in. This is worth 1% of your Final Grade. [See General Rubric on a separate sheet of paper to use as a Guide for circling and commenting on the back of your traced skeleton drawing]. We will see how close you and I are in our grading.
2. Fill in the Questionnaire (and bring your photo ID to class next week so I can photocopy it)
Please bring your student card to class next week. I will photocopy it during break so you can cut it out and tape it into the space on the form after break. Please print legibly so I can read your responses. This is your opportunity to share information with me that you believe is relevant to your success in the course. I am interested to know about your art background and about what your hopes are after you graduate from the program. This, too, is worth 1% of your grade. You will get the 1% if you print your name properly & legibly in the proper place (you can include your nickname if it preferred but I still need your official registration name to go there first) and you will need to put the photocopy of your face in the proper place to get the full 1%. I am not grading what you say or how much you say.
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