Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Drawing the Hand - Video

I show this video (and stop it around 1:00 when tone begins) because the trapezoid shape and 'secret triangle' are used in the drawing, along with the overall mitten and axis lines used to line knuckles, etc.

The link is here ... 

This video will take you to many more 'how to draw' videos on youtube.com - some videos are better than others. Caveat emptor! Many are good accompaniments to what we are learning in class. A few will make us wince at the flagrant errors being passed off. If you aren't sure about anything in any of the videos you come across, please feel free to talk to me about them. I can take a look at any sections you are concerned or wondering about and I will provide you with feedback and clarification.

Remember to consider the source of your information. Your time is precious and you want to be sure you are spending it wisely using tools and acquiring knowledge that is going to add value to your learning.

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